The Journey Begins in the Heart. Always in the Heart.

For hundreds of years, Masons have been traveling men. The path of the ancient stonemasons is marked by the world's great cathedrals and other monuments of stone.

Today, Masons continue the path of the ancient traveling men, our path to the East marked by the degrees of our Craft. Entered Apprentice. Fellowcraft. Master Mason.

We are inviting all Master Masons to continue answering the call to journey deeper into the Craft through the Scottish Rite's 29 degrees and six Core Values.

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Take the First Step to Continue Your Journey Towards Light

Building upon the lessons we learned in Blue Lodge, the Core Values and 29 degrees of the Scottish Rite mark the path to more light and unite us in our quest to become better men and better Masons.

Through the degrees, educational resources, and shared experiences with Brethren, there is no end to the symbolic journey a Master Mason can take within the Scottish Rite.

You're closer than the length of your cabletow to more light. To more Brotherhood. To being an even better man. 

Joining Scottish Rite Freemasonry is an experience every Freemason should have. Join us. You'll be glad you did.

Start Your Journey


Discover All the Scottish Rite Has to Offer

Brotherhood —   The Scottish Rite, at its core, is a fraternity of Brothers who seek to be the best version of themselves, expand their sense of purpose, and be of service to the world and our fellow man. We are men committed to journeying deeper into the highest principles and ideals of the Masonic Craft guided by six Core Values – Reverence for God, Integrity, Devotion to Country, Justice, Tolerance, and Service to Humanity.


Education —  The Scottish Rite offers a vast array of educational resources like  Hauts Grades Academy , designed for Brothers looking to venture deep into the teachings of our degrees, and  Pathfinder , a program built to guide 32° Masons to the most fulfilling Scottish Rite member experience.  


Opportunities to Give Back —   The Scottish Rite offers many diverse opportunities for service and charity, both nationally and locally. Join and make a difference in the lives of Brethren and the communities in which we serve, whether it be a Brother going through a hardship or a child with dyslexia learning how to read.


Learn What the Scottish Rite Has Done For Brothers Like You

Hear our fellow Scottish Rite Brothers share how their Masonic journey to the Scottish Rite has enhanced their personal life in this behind-the-scenes video from our newest campaign, " Journey On ."

“I’ve found a purpose , a path, friends, and family all because of this fraternity.” 

– Brother Timothy Curran, Jr., 32°

"The Scottish Rite is one of the most open and welcoming fraternities I’ve ever been a part of. Friendship is instant. Everyone treats you like family." 

—  Brother  John Hetherson, 32°, HGA

Journey On

Interested in continuing your Masonic journey towards more light? Fill out our form to learn more about how you can join 32° Scottish Rite Freemasonry. 

Once your application has been submitted and accepted, you can join by attending a 4° date in-person at your Valley. 

*If you are not yet a Freemason, you are not eligible to join the Scottish Rite. If you are interested in joining Freemasonry, visit for next steps.


What is 32° Freemasonry?

32nd Degree Freemasonry™, also known as Scottish Rite Freemasonry, is a fraternity of Brothers committed to journeying deeper into the highest principles, teachings, and ideals of the Masonic Craft. Scottish Rite Masons work to be guided by six Core Values – Reverence for God, Integrity, Devotion to Country, Justice, Tolerance, and Service to Humanity.

The Scottish Rite offers a series of degrees (from the 4th degree to the 32nd degree) that supplement and amplify the philosophical teachings of the first three degrees conferred in the Symbolic Lodge. 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry™ is sometimes called the "University of Freemasonry" because it uses extensive allegory and dramatic presentation in its degrees to explore the philosophy, history, ethics, and fundamental truths that guide Freemasons' lives.

How do I Become a 32° Scottish Rite Freemason?

You can become a Scottish Rite Mason by submitting an  application  to your local Scottish Rite Valley. Once your application has been accepted, by witnessing the 4th degree, either virtually at a  Join the Rite Night  (available seasonally) or  in-person  at your local Valley. To be called a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason™, you must witness four additional degrees, including the 32nd degree.

What are the Benefits of Being a 32° Scottish Rite Freemason?

32nd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry™ is one of the most innovative and member-focused bodies in Freemasonry, offering a vast range of benefits to members. These benefits include:

- Further light in Masonry as your journey through the Scottish Rite degrees, from the 4th degree to the 32nd degree.

- Member-only livestreams, including virtual degree presentations and regular programming with Scottish Rite leaders and Brothers to keep us connected.

- Expanded fraternal network of Masons in over 100 Valleys in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Forge lifelong bonds with more Brothers through exclusive Scottish Rite events, such as Reunions, webinars, charity fundraisers, and more.

- Opportunity to get involved with the Scottish Rite  Charities  and make a difference in the lives of Brother Masons, their families, and our communities. Learn more about the transformative impact of each of our charities: the Grand Almoner's Fund, Abbott Scholarship Fund, Children's Dyslexia Centers, Membership Education Fund, and the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library.

- Premium website content for members only, including our Best Practices and Leadership Resource Center. These resources will help you develop your leadership skills, learn what’s working for other Masons across the jurisdiction, and plan effective programming for your Blue Lodge and Scottish Rite Valley.

- Access to  Hauts Grades Academy , a curriculum that provides an opportunity to delve deeper into the study of all 32 degrees. Student testimonials cite finding greater enlightenment and meaning from our Masonic teachings through the course.

- Access to Thursday Night at the Rite: Each season, Brothers from across our 15-state jurisdiction gather online in fellowship to receive one of our inspiring degrees and earn passport credit.

- Access to  Pathfinder , our member-exclusive program that helps Scottish Rite Masons uncover the "Journey of a Lifetime" through participation in a multitude of activities across all facets of our fraternity.

What Does it Cost to Join 32° Scottish Rite Freemasonry?

The cost of joining 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry™ can vary. Minimum initiation fees have been established by the Supreme Council, but each Valley, Council, Chapter, and Consistory fixes its own fees. Each body also requires annual dues as fixed by its bylaws. Some bodies have a provision in their bylaws permitting a member to prepay his dues for the life of his membership in that body.

Membership costs will be outlined for you by your local Valley. Members of 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry™, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, will receive their invoice once annually through an electronic and/or paper bill.

Looking for more? 
Visit our full website at     

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